Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Baby Eczema Treatment - Cure Your Baby By Using These Effective Tips

There is many steps needed to treat eczema and an article isn't enough to cover everything. However, if you are able to follow these tips in the article, you will be able to see improvement in your baby skin condition. You also do your own research about holistic treatments as I find them more helpful than conventional treatments offered by the doctors.

Babies are bundles of joy and it can be upsetting to them and their caregivers should they be hit with skin problems, especially eczema, the most common skin problems in babies. Thankfully, most cases are mild and can be treated and kept under control. This article aims to identify a few forms of eczema and the baby eczema treatments.

Cradle Cap

Cradle cap is caused by a scaly build-up of dead outer skin of newborn babies and is usually a mild and temporary problem. The baby eczema treatment for this skin condition is to wash the scales gently with baby shampoo after softening with a moisturizer like aqueous cream or olive oil.

Sometimes, there may be skin irritation that causes the baby to rub. This in turn brings about skin infection, and the baby eczema treatment to it would be a short course of antibiotic cream or medicine.

Cradle cap usually gets better within a few months.

Nappy Rash

This is an extremely common skin problem, or rather, a universal one. Nappy rash is caused by the wetness of a nappy rubbing against a baby's delicate skin, which is then irritated by urine and faeces, and prone to infection. Nappy rash is a good example of irritant contact eczema (dermatitis), a kind of eczema caused by something harsh in the outside world that comes into contact with the skin.

Of course, the baby eczema treatment would be to use high absorbency disposable nappies instead of cloth ones. This minimizes contact of the baby's skin with wetness. The nappies would have to be changed more frequently than usual if the baby has diarrhea. Do not use any soap or bubble bath as they will upset the skin. Instead, wash the affected area with warm water and a gentle soap substitute, then apply a zinc-containing nappy rash cream or silicone barrier cream. Avoid talcum powder.

Atopic Eczema

It's best to leave the skin slightly damp, as the moisturizer can then lock some of this dampness into the skin. As before, it's important to use an unscented moisturizer.


Many people don't take bedding and clothing into account as a factor in the Eczema of their child. Baby Eczema treatments suggest that you should ensure that all bedding is 100% cotton, and laundered frequently to ensure that it's kept clean and free of bacteria. Any bacteria at all may irritate baby's skin, so this is very important. Also, make sure the detergent used in the laundry is mild and scent free. In addition to this, try and make sure that your own clothing is free from wool or any similar fabrics which may irritate baby's skin should it come into contact.


The food side of things can be especially hard to maintain with an infant, but generally speaking baby will be better off if you keep the acidic foods to a minimum. Links between acidic foods and Eczema skin conditions have been found by scientists.

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